
You have found my website

This page will be updated at some point with very... captivating information.

My current plan is to basically create my own "god" website. I hope you enjoy it.

I might actually archive every live change to the website on the website. So if you're reading this, chances are you are looking at the first version of the website in the archive. But it was really there. Current Date and Time: 11/11/2022 15:23

My plan is to create a website that is completely localised, not relying on any third party linked information, so it will always be fully viewable

Oh yes and my name is Kyle Serbov. You may have noticed the name of this website is my first name... if you thought about it well enough. K = Grand, yle = eye all
I like how eyeall is almost eyeball.

It may be that the only people reading this website are people who googled my name. Well, hello there. :) I know what you did. Just kidding I literally don't even care. It a good way to live, an obsession with exposure. The question is, how bright are you? (b right)